Critical Incident Management

A Critical Incident is any situation, incident or event that:

  • Causes a strong emotional or psychological reaction that may overwhelm previous normal coping abilities, and/or
  • Has the potential to interfere with an employee's ability to function either at work or home.

It might be a robbery, assault, a sudden accident or death at work, or the death of an employee or family member. Floods, fires, hurricanes, airplane crashes and acts of terrorism are other examples of critical incidents that may occur outside the job and significantly impact a large number of employees. Whatever the trauma, employees may be affected for days, weeks, or even months afterwards. Today's workforce confronts many challenges to the significant demands required in the workplace and in society in general. The result is an increase in stress and related health conditions among employees.

Brady and Associates Inc. has worked with both employees and management following workplace incidents such as bank robberies, work rage, workplace accidents, post traumatic interventions, natural disasters and environmental response issues. We have provided critical incident support during 9-11 and the Oklahoma bomb disaster, and worked as part of a debriefing team assisting Police Peer Support Groups.

We offer Critical Incident Response that provides the workplace with practical strategies to mitigate the impact of the critical incident through defusings, debriefings, resilience strengthening and coping strategies.

Some examples of situations would include:

  • Anger Management
  • Workplace Violence
  • Sudden Death
  • Substance Abuse
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Termination
  • Corporate Transition/Downsizing

Call us at 1.866.598.8358 for more information on how we can help.